Adult Breakouts: Why do we still get spots?

Let’s talk adult breakouts... Do you get breakouts and wonder why?

Adult breakouts are affected by:
✨ Stress
✨ Hormones
✨ Pregnancy
✨ Menopause
✨ Diet (high glycemic foods)
✨ Incorrect or overuse of products 
✨ Exercise

Why do I get breakouts?
If you have a breakout prone skin your sebum (the oil) is thick and sticky and you produce 3-4 times more sebum than other skin types. Sebum gets trapped in your follicle which can cause breakouts. In a normal skin type, the sebum is free flowing and thinner.

It is important to double cleanse the skin to remove excess oil, dirt, debris, bacteria and pollution. 

A breakout prone skin produces 4-5 times more skin cells. These excess skin cells build up in the follicle, also leading to breakouts. 
This makes exfoliation very important as you need to get rid of the excess skin cells. 
As your skin ages, you experience increased sensitivity, dryness and dehydration, all of which contribute to congestion if you have a breakout prone skin. As you age, you also have a slower healing rate which means your breakouts take longer to heal and they are inflamed for long periods of time. This can lead to pigmentation (a dark spot where your breakout was). An important step is calming the inflammation and sensitivity to help speed up healing and prevent pigmentation.

It is also important to treat the breakouts quickly to keep the inflammation and therefore damage to the skin to a minimum.

Hydration is also very important - Often people with oily skin think they shouldn’t moisturise because their skin is already oily. Sebum (the oil that contributes to breakouts) is different to the lipids in the barrier which we are replenishing when we moisturise. We also need to replace the water in the skin to stop the skin becoming dehydrated. If you don’t moisturise, your body thinks it needs to produce more oil to compensate. Opt for a light to medium weight moisturiser, steering clear of heavy weight moisturisers for oily skin. 

To recap, important steps 
❤️ Double cleanse
❤️ Exfoliate daily 
❤️ Calm inflammation 
❤️ Treat the breakouts
❤️ Hydrate

Which cleanser should I use on my breakout prone skin?
Most importantly if you have breakout prone, oily, congested skin, you must do a thorough cleanse morning and night. You should do a double cleanse, ideally begin with Precleanse and then follow with your cleanser or cleanse twice with your cleanser. 

Breakout prone skins produce a thicker sebum (oil) than other skin types and it accumulates on the skin and leads to breakouts. The first step to a healthy skin and a crucial step to getting clear skin is the double cleanse.
❤️ Precleanse is an oil based cleanser. It lifts off bacteria and excess oils and acts like a magnet to attract the oil and pulls it out. It removes oils without clogging pores and enables your prescribed cleanser to work more effectively.
❤️ Special Cleansing Gel
✨ For normal to oily skins
✨ This foaming cleanser washes away impurities and helps soothe and purify the skin
❤️ Active Clay Cleanser
✨ For oily skin
✨ Prebiotic cleanser deeply purifies to help balance oily skin and remove excess oil and impurities.
✨ Dual-action, mineral-rich clay and charcoal formula actively cleanses and purifies.
✨ Purify pores for smooth, revitalized skin
✨ Protect skin’s microbiome and natural lipid barrier
❤️ Clearing Skin Wash
✨ For oily skins with breakouts
✨ Foaming cleanser helps clear skin and reduce visible skin aging.
✨ Salicylic Acid, stimulates natural exfoliation to help clear clogged follicles
✨ Smoothes away dullness that contributes to visible skin aging.
✨  Clears away excess oil without stripping skin.
✨ Helps prevent future breakouts.
✨ Soothing botanicals help calm irritation.

Some sensitive skins may find Clearing Skin Wash too much to use twice a day, in which case you can use once a day and use special cleansing gel once a day alongside it.
❤️ Breakout Clearing Foaming Wash
✨ For teen skins
✨ A breakout fighting, foaming wash
✨ Clears away dead skin cells, dirt and excess oils that clog pores and cause breakouts.
✨ Soothes and calms irritated skin.

Here is Senior Therapist, Lucy, using the Daily Microfoliant and the Age Bright Clearing Serum. (Salisbury Spa) 

We talked about why adults get breakouts and how we can tackle them. Here are the hero ingredients to look out for when treating breakout prone skin.

✨ it has a keratolytic action (causes the dead skin cells to shed) which reduces congestion.
✨ it prevents the pooling of sebum in the follicle. It penetrates into the follicle and flushes it out.
✨ it is anti-inflammatory - very important to stop the inflammatory response which leads to pigmentation and the breakout being there for longer

Salicylic acid can be found in:
✨ Retinol Clearing Oil
✨ Age Bright Spot Fader
✨ Age Bright Clearing Serum
✨ Sebum Clearing Masque

✨ Combines Tyne and Pine oil
✨ it kills the P-Acne breakout causing bacteria in 15 minutes 
✨ kills only the bad bacteria and fosters good bacteria to boost skins natural defense (many breakout products strip the skin of all bacteria, good and bad)

TT Technology can be found in:
✨ Age Bright Clearing Serum
✨ Age Bright Spot Fader
✨ Breakout Clearing Booster (for teenage skins)

✨ regulates sebaceous glands to produce less sebum
✨ anti-inflammatory
✨ evens skin tone by inhibiting melanin (helps with the dark spots that breakouts leave behind)
✨ protects against free radical damage

Niacinimide can be found in:
✨ Age Bright Clearing Serum
✨ Age Bright Spot Fader
✨ Oil Free Matt
✨ Pure Night ✨ Pure Light
✨ Daily Superfoliant

✨ improves pigmentation marks
✨ evens skin tone to prevent premature ageing
✨ inhibits melanin production to treat dark spots left behind by breakouts

Hexylresorcinol can be found in:
✨ Age Bright Spot Fader

“I don’t exfoliate because it aggregates my breakouts.” 

Breakout prone skins produce 4-5 times more skin cells than other skin types. The excess skin cells get clogged in the follicle and contribute towards breakouts.

This is why it’s really important to exfoliate as we want to get dead skin cells off the skin to clear the follicle. 
If you have experienced sensitivity or soreness after exfoliating when you have breakouts then you probably used a physical exfoliant. Ie something with bits in it, bits that are doing the exfoliation physically. The problem is these can be harsh and create friction of the skin and as your skin is inflamed due to the breakouts, it will become aggregated and sensitive. If your exfoliator is too strong it can cause Acne Mechanica as it prolongs the inflammation in your skin.

Instead, opt for a chemical or enzymatic exfoliation as this is gentle on the skin and won’t prolong inflammation. A daily exfoliant is good for breakout prone skins but not all exfoliant can be used daily so choose a gentle exfoliant that can be used daily. This will help keep on top of the excess skin cells that you are producing.

Here is Spa Therapist, Ellie, using the Daily Microfoliant. (Salisbury Spa)

We ❤️ Daily Microfoliant for this as it’s gentle on the skin. You can also opt for Daily Superfoliant which has added benefits for ageing and protection against pollution.

Most importantly, don’t forget to exfoliate your breakout prone skin, it will really help prevent breakouts.

Why do my breakouts leave behind dark spots?

This is called post inflammatory pigmentation. When the skin experiences inflammation which happens with breakouts, part of the skins inflammatory response is to produce melanin. The collection of melanin in this small area of where the breakout was, shows on the skin as a dark spot (pigmentation). If we regularly suffer from breakouts, how can we stop these dark marks being left behind? .
✨The quicker you can reduce the inflammation, the better as this stops the pigmentation forming. .
✨ Avoid picking and squeezing your spots as this causes more inflammation .
✨ Allow the skin to heal before treating any pigmentation .
✨ If you no longer get breakouts but have post inflammatory pigmentation left behind, exfoliation will help treat this. Exfoliation promotes cell renewal which gives an instant brightening to the skin, smoothing it’s surface and reflecting light, making the pigmentation less visible. .
✨ Defend - It is really important to use SPF as UV rays will darken your pigmentation as well as products with antioxidant properties. .
✨ Use a product that can control melanin production in the skin. Reducing activity of Tyrosenase which is key in producing melanin.

Our top pick for treating these dark spots:
 ✨ Agebright Spot Fader - This is to be used on the spot to reduce inflammation and to reduce the dark area left behind. 

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