As the darker mornings and evening creep in its important to take extra care of your mind, body and soul.
We have created some Winter Wellness Scrolls for all our clients to take away with them on their next visit to our spa's.In the scrolls you'll find tips on how to look after your skin in the cooler, dryer weather, as well as wellness boosting tips to get you through the winter months.
When it gets colder and the humidity drops, our skin can become dry and flaky, the skin is left lacking the water it needs and becomes dehydrated. This affects our barrier function, which can lead to our skin being sensitised. Eczema and Psoriasis can also worsen as it gets colder.
- Opt for a serum that repairs the skins barrier to help stop skin sensitivity.
- Avoid drying products and add a hydrating cleanser into your routine.
- Use a richer moisturiser.
- Add a hydration booster or a facial oil into your evening moisturiser. By doing this you are ensuring your skin is fully replenishing the moisture it has lost through the day.
- Remove all makeup every evening and do your evening facial routine between 8-9pm for optimal skin repair.
- Keep wearing SPF. Even though the sun is long gone, you still need to wear SPF everyday.
- If you are feeling a little pale, try adding some self tanning drops into your moisturise for a healthy glow.
- Routine is key: now the darker morning and evening are here it is important to stick to your 'wake up' and 'bedtime' routines. as tempting as it may be to hit the snooze button, you will feel so much better by getting up and starting the day as normal.
- Use scents to change your mood. Uplifting scents can be good - look for citrus as one of the 3 main essential oils.
- Use this time to really take care of your body and wellbeing: try some stretching or meditation to fet your mind and body in good place.
- Take a hot bath, ideally with Epsom salts. Bathe for at least 20 minutes.
- Heat muscles with a wheat pillow, its a great way to relax tired, achey muscles.
- Make a happy notebook - a book of your favourite films, tv shows, books, places to go, things to do, things you are proud of or a list of people who make you happy.
- Find 3 quotes that motivate you and make you feel good.
From Amie: Functional medicine practitioner at our Winchester Spa.
- Nurtition plays a big part in mental health. Eating a 'real' foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds is definately key to supporting yout neurotransmitters, which are the brains messengers that control your mood and enery levels.
- Try and avoid foods that are ulra-processed or packaged foods that include ingredients you cannot pronouce.
- Include foods high in folates like spinach, asparagus, avocado, beetroot and broccoli.
- Eating probiotic foods is also a great step forward as they increase energy levels, support cognitive function and promote mental wellness. Some of the top probiotic foods include kefir, yogurt, kombucha, miso, kimchi and sauerkraut.
- Try not to consume more than 30g of sugar a day.
for more Winter Wellness tips, pop into the spa to pick up a Winter Wellness Scroll!
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