Natural sleep aid: Yoga hand gestures 🧘‍♀️ from Joanne Sumner Wellbeing


There are many different reasons for why we might struggle to sleep. The most common reasons I find are due to worry and stress. This is where yoga hand gestures come in useful – they can be done by anyone at any time, to release what is burdening you and help you sleep.


This yoga hand gesture is for tolerance – this is for you if you’re struggling with somebody who you feel is making life difficult.



1. Make sure that all your fingertips and the thumb tips are touching, making a triangle shape.

2. With this gesture, just rest your hands in your lap while you’re sitting.

3. Breathe up through the coccyx, through your tailbone from the ground up to your heart and then down into your arms and hands. 

4. Imagine the little empty space in your hands as if it was filled with your breath when you exhale into little space.

5. This way, you build up some energy between the hands and you imagine the person that you’re really struggling with is in that little space. That space is a space of compassion. You’re just holding them in a compassionate space.


I’d love to welcome you to my beautiful treatment room at @VitaSkinSpa Winchester. 


**FREE meditation to help you relax and sleep here:**


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