Sleep Awareness Month: Would you like to use yoga to help you sleep?


You might think of using yoga poses to calm you down, relax and prepare you for sleep which is brilliant. The second way, and the way I’m talking about today, is to use yoga hand gestures.


You can do these while you are already lying in bed.


This yoga hand gesture is to unburden your heart – this is for you if you’re struggling with grief or there’s something that’s really weighing on your heart. It doesn’t have to be an enormous big worry: lots of little worries are often enough to keep us awake at night.



1. Curl the first finger into the base of your thumb. The thumb tip meets the next two fingertips and then the little finger is extended. You’re doing that with both hands: it looks a bit like a deer’s head.

2. Then, just rest them in your lap. 

3. I like to breathe up from the earth, so breathe up from the earth to the heart. 

4. Then, imagine your breath dividing: some of it is coming down the left arm and some of it is coming down the right arm, coming out of the little fingers.

5. If you have the little fingers pointing down at the ground, they will act as a drain. So, anything that you don’t need right now from your heart and that’s weighing on you, just allow it to come out through the fingers and to you just to be released.



I’m a firm believer in talking things through but I think sometimes we’ve done that and we just need to somehow ease the pressure. This hand gesture works amazingly for that. I find this hand gesture incredibly effective. In fact, I don’t have to talk about what’s weighing on me. I can just unburden my heart with it without having to analyse anything. Sometimes that’s what you need.


I’d love to welcome you to my beautiful treatment room at @VitaSkinSpa Winchester. 


**FREE meditation to help you relax and sleep here:**

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