Debunking Beauty Myths

We all know something about beauty, whether it be old wives tales or trend led. But… How much of what we know is really true?

Here are some myths we have come across!

Myth 1 – Shaving causes hair to come back darker, thicker and faster.


Shaving absolutely DOES NOT cause hair to come back any darker or thicker or faster. When we shave we are cutting the hairs at a blunt angle. So when it grows back it looks thicker but it really isn't. Like if you snap an uncooked spaghetti, it will be shorter but just as thick and the same colour!

Myth 2 – Anti-ageing creams are only designed for older people.


Anti-ageing creams should be used alongside SPF as part of a structured skincare routine from the early 20s! Yes. 20s!! As we hit our 20s our collagen and elastin production decreases, laying the groundwork for sagging and fine line and wrinkles. Used along side SPF we can protect our skin from early ageing on the inside and against the sun, encouraging a youthful glow for longer. Prevention is better than cure!

Myth 3 – Gel and acrylics ruin your nails.


It’s believed that gel polish and acrylic nail extensions/ overlay can damage your natural nails, in some cases this can be true, but with CORRECT tools, application and removal, gel and acrylic can actually strengthen your natural nails and promote growth! Tip: avoid nail bars that use tools with intensely drill the nails - these tools strip many layers off the nail which in turn makes them weak, sore and flimsy.

Myth 4 – I don't moisturise because i have oily skin.


Even if you have oily skin you still NEED to moisturise. Moisturising your skin helps to regulate the oil production. Not moisturising can cause your skin to produce more oil.

The key to managing oily skin is to make sure you’re hydrating it without applying additional oil from other products. Skipping moisturiser altogether but loading up on oil-fighting skincare ingredients leaves your skin with no moisture, which can lead to it being dehydrated. 

When this happens, the sebaceous glands in your skin will overcompensate by producing more oil to support the skin’s barrier function and unbreak the oily skin cycle. This overproduction ends up clogging your pores, which can eventually result in acne and comedones (blackheads and whiteheads).

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